Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College, RNLK, Gope College (Midnapore)

Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College

Re-accredited with grade ‘A+’ by NAAC (4th Cycle). | NIRF Rank 64 (2023) |
NIRF Rank-band: 101-150 (2024) ISO Certified :21001:2018  |  14001:2015

(11 AM. to 4 PM. on College Working Days)

Program Outcome & Course Outcome

Department of Humanities and Social Science

Bengali (UG & PG) :


PG Syllabus : Download

UG Syllabus : Download

English :

Programme Outcome:

1. The students will be able to attain a comprehensive understanding of literature.

2. This course will equip students to improve their understanding of different kinds of the representational strategies in literature.

3. This course will enable the students to get exposed to different socio-cultural factors that give rise to different literary articulations.

4. The students will also be engaged with the emerging literary issues and trends.

5. This course will expose the students to literary and cultural intersections so that they could equip themselves cognitively with emerging research avenues.

UG Syllabus : Download

Philosophy :

PO- 1- Inculcate the skill of critical inquiry which is necessary for philosophical discourse in order to generate the creative thoughts objectively.

PO-2- Proficiency in philosophical investigation, ability to explain theories and identify valid argument.

PO-3- Equip the students with skilful methodology of philosophy so that they can help themselves to analyses the problem, frame the hypothesis, authenticate reasoning and to get a suggestive or acceptable conclusion.

PO-4- Prepare students for pursuing research or careers in any area of philosophy and allied fields.

PO-5- By studying Logic, students gets acquainted with the use of logical rules for identifying a valid argument. Along with these, they also learn existential import, symbolic interpretation, constructing formal proof of .validity, proving invalidity, Quantification theory. Study of this paper helpsthem to be aware of Mill's different experimental methods, Science and Hypothesis and also different theories of probability.

PO-6- Imbibe effective linguistic and critical communication in both oral and writing and ability to develop and defend a logical original position of an argument.

PO-7- Continue to acquire applicable knowledge and skills appropriate to professional activities and demonstrate highest standards of moral/ethical issues in human society.

PO-8- Create awareness to become an enlightened citizen with commitment to deliver one’s responsibilities and values to the society.
PO-9- Our entire subject syllabus matches with the syllabus of Civil Services Examinations (State and central both). So, we also encourage & prepare the students for CSE for which career counseling programmes are periodically held.

UG Syllabus : Download

History (UG & PG):


Political Science:

  • Both Hons and Programme Course attach Separatrly : Download
  • New BA with Political Science under CBCS : Download
  • Download Pol. Science (H) Objective & Outcomes: Download


Outcomes of the academic programme on Psychology in UG level as a generic subject:
Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. The four main goals of psychological are to describe, explain, predict and bring about change in behaviors. The objectives of psychology are to learn about the mind’s subconscious, the mind’s consciousness and the reasons for human behavior. Psychology is essential to study for treating mental disorders, other biological diseases, such as Alzheimur’s and looking at the way the mind functions with memory and emotion. Essentially, psychology helps students in large part because it can explain why people act the way they do. With this kind of professional insight, a psychologist can help people improve their decision making, stress management and behavior based on understanding past behavior to better predict future behavior. Psychology sheds light on human behavior and helps us understand why we act the way we do. The field offers insights into our human experiences, helps us connect with others, and can mean the difference between a life well-lived and a life of challenges. Learning about human behavior will help students in daily life, for example helping student better navigate themselves interactions with others. A Psychology degree can also be useful for a student if he/she want to pursue a Master’s for a different career which will help the students work in Human Resource Management, Education, Social Work, Advertising, Communication, Forensics, Sales, Politics and much more.

UG Syllabus : Download

Sanskrit (UG & PG):

Music UG & PG Department of Hindustani Vocal-Music and PG Department of Rabindra Sangeet:

  1. Ability to know the history of ancient Music of India .
  2. Ability to know about the characteristics of Ragas & their system of presentation.
  3. Ability to know finest aspects of the Ragas & the other types of song for the performance.
  4. Orientation of the students of Music to develop competitive- aptitude among them including other professional jobs.
  5. Preparing the students for Higher Academic Programmes & ability to reach the quality-level performance for Institutes of National  repute.
  6. Ability to increase the knowledge of Acoustics & Psychology in the connection of Music & Classical Music.
  7. Orientation of the Musical Contributions of the Musicologists & Exponents of ancient & medieval era .
  8. Ability to increase the thoughts about the importance of Music .
  9. Ability to know  & teach the various types of music .
  10. Ability to know & prepare to think Tagore thoughts & Tagore songs.

MUSIC UG Syllabus Hons. & Generic : Download

Education :

PO1: Basic knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of basic statistics, management and pedagogy to solve the educational problems.

PO2: Discipline knowledge: An ability to apply discipline - specific knowledge to solve core and/or applied educational problems.

PO3: The society: Demonstrate knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to educational practice.

PO4: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the educational solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.

PO5: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the educational practice.

PO6: Communication: An ability to communicate effectively.

PO7: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the context of educational & social changes.

PO8: Sense of time and space: Relate their understanding of the theories of educational psychology, philosophical and sociological foundations, ICT, Guidance and counselling, Peace and Value education in various classroom situations and societal experiences.

PO9: Solving current problems: Acquainting students with the diverse current educational problems and other related issues like SSA, Inclusive education Unemployment, Poverty, National Disintegration and Population explosion.

PO10: Social Interaction: Encouraging students from diverse backgrounds are provided equal  pportunity forfulfilment of their needs and interests. Differently Able students are encouraged to interact with other students in an Inclusive environment. To understand the society the students interact with the members of the society

UG Syllabus : Download

Human Rights :

  • Download Human Rights Education (GE) Objective & Outcomes : Download

Physical Education:

Programme Outcome

1. Critical Thinking: Take informed actions after identify the assumptions that frame our thinking and actions, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid and looking at ourideas and decisions from different perspectives.

2. Ethics: Recognize different value system including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions and accept responsibility for them.

3. Effective Citizenship: Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centered national development and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.

4. Social interaction: Elicit views of others, mediate disagreement and help reach conclusion in group setting.

5. Effective Communication: Speak, read, write and listen clearlyin person and through electronic media in English and in one Indian languge and make meaning of the world by connecting prople, idea, books, media and technology.

6. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the issues of environment contexts and sustainable development.

7. Self-directed and lifelong Learning: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life long learning in the broadest context socio- technological changes.

UG Syllabus : Download




Institutional training includes basic military training of the students as part of the curriculum, following the core values of NCC to mould young students into disciplined and responsible citizens of India. NCC course is aimed to achieve following learning objectives:-

  1. Develop character, camaraderie, discipline, secular outlook, the spirit of adventure, sportsmanship and ideals of selfless service amongst cadets by working in teams, honing qualities such as self-discipline, self-confidence, self-reliance and dignity of labour in the students.
  2. To create interest in students by including and laying emphasis on those aspects of InstitutionalTraining which attract young students into the NCC and provides them an element of thrill and excitement.
  3. To inculcate defence Services work ethos that is characterized by hard work, sincerity ofpurpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour, secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.
  4. To create a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose.
  5. To provide conducive environment to motivate young Indians to choose the Armed Forces as a career.

UG Syllabus : Download

Department of Science

Zoology (UG & PG) :

The course curriculum of the department has been designed and developed, giving due importance to both classical components of the subject Zoology and its different ramifications in tune with the modern scientific development across the world. The classical aspects of Zoology include essential structural-functional organization of the Non-Chordates and Chordates, Taxonomy, Biosystematics, Histology, Animal physiology, Evolution and Adaptation. In contrast, the modern dimension of the course curriculum has attached the most significant aspects of Molecular biology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Immunology, and Parasitology. The effort appears to be very fruitful to the results and academic performance of the existing and former students, reflected in their success in different national and state-level competitions. The department offers two special papers (Fishery & Ecology) which also enabled ruralbased students of the College to get proper recognition regionally, nationally and internationally in different subject-based services. Moreover, the outreach and extension program involving the students in their practical curriculum has contributed significantly to the livelihood generation of the region's marginalized people. All the courses in the program are carefully designed to equip the students for competitive examinations like CSIR NET, SET, GET etc., and to write research proposals for grants.

PG Syllabus : Download

Botany (UG & PG) :

Plant sciences in the present day is a combination of basic and applied science. Conventional studies like plant identification is now being supplemented and augmented with molecular techniques like DNA Barcoding, Plant Genomics, rDNA Technology and so on. The courses have been designed to benefit all Botany students to study various aspects of plant science including its practical applications. Keeping in mind that these students can take up teaching at different levels, research work in research institutes and or industry, doctoral work, environment impact assessment, biodiversity studies, entrepreneurship, scientific writing relevant topics have been included in the curriculum. It is hoped that after completion of the syllabus they will be able to:

  • Tackle practical problems with theoretical knowledge in Botany.
  • Demonstrate research aptitude and training for laboratory works for basic botanical research.
  • Develop competitive examination aptitude for NET / SET/ GATE and others
  • Pursue research in institutes of National and International repute.
  • Get absorbed in various career and job opportunities.

Botany PG syllabus with PO and CO : Download
UG Syllabus Botany : Download

Physiology (UG & PG) :

Upon completion of the course students will be able to have a deep knowledge on the physiology of Human body and its applied fields. This M.Sc programme in Human physiology will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake a career in research, either in industry or in an academic setting. The training provided will give students the breadth and depth of scientific knowledge in the important newly developed area of Human physiology.

  • Bachelor of Science offers theoretical as well as practical knowledge about different subject areas.
  • This course forms the basis of science for coherent understanding of the academic field to pursue multi and interdisciplinary science careers in future.
  • These subject areas include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science and Botany, Physiology and Zoology.
  • Able to plan and execute experiments or investigations, analyze and interpret data information collected using appropriate methods.
  • It helps to develop scientific temper and thus can prove to be more beneficial for the society as the scientific developments can make a nation or society to grow at a rapid pace through research.
  • Think critically, follow innovations and developments in science and technology.

Human Physiology (PG) Syllabus : Download
Physiology (UG) Syllabus : Download

Microbiology :

  • Download Microbiology UG Syllabus : Download
  • Download Microbiology PG Syllabus : Download

Nutrition (UG) & PG Department of Food Science & Nutrition :

  • Nutrition (UG Hons. & GE) Syllabus : Download

Mathematics (UG) & PG Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming :

The expected  outcomes of under graduate mathematics courses are summarization of  disciplinary knowledge, communicative skills, critical thinking and analytical reasoning, capacity of problem solving, research related skills, digital efficiency,  enhance ethical values , lifelong acquire knowledge etc.

  1. This program demonstrates fundamental systematic knowledge of mathematics .It should also enhance the subject specific knowledge and help the students in searching jobs in Government and Non-Government sectors.
  2. Bachelor’s degree in mathematics is the culmination of in-depth knowledge of algebra, differential calculus, geometry, ordinary differential equations, partial differential  numerical analysis and several other branches of mathematics. This also leads to study of related areas like computer science and statistics. Thus, this programme helps learners in building a solid foundation for higher studies in mathematics.
  3. The skills and knowledge gained has intrinsic beauty, which also leads to proficiency in analytical reasoning. This can be utilised in mathematical modelling and solving real life problems.
  4. Students undergoing this programme learn to logically question assertions, to recognise patterns and to distinguish between essential and irrelevant aspects of problems. They also share ideas and insights while seeking and benefitting from knowledge and insight of others.  This helps them to learn behave responsibly in a rapidly changing interdependent society.
  5. Students completing this programme will be able to present mathematics clearly and precisely, make vague ideas precise by formulating them in the language of mathematics, describe mathematical ideas from multiple perspectives and explain fundamental concepts of mathematics to non-mathematicians.
  6. Completion of this programme will also enable the learners to join teaching profession in primary and secondary schools.
  7. This programme will also help students to enhance their employability for government jobs like WBCS, IAS etc , jobs in banking, insurance and investment sectors, data analyst jobs and jobs in various disciplines.
  8. This course is the gate way of entering into the premier institutes through admission test like JAM, MAT, CAT etc.
  9. One most significant outcome of the programme is the inculcation of higher values of life among the learners that enable them to face any hazard of the future life.
  10. Apply knowledge, understanding and skills to identify the difficult/unsolved problems in mathematics and to collect the required information in possible range of sources and try to analyse and evaluate these problems using appropriate methodologies.
  11. Capability to use appropriate software to solve system of equations and differential equations, basic programmes using the concept of C, C++ languages.
  • Development of mathematical reasoning and an understanding of the underlying unifying structures of mathematics (i.e., sets, relations and functions, logical structure) and the relationships among them.
  • Understanding about the fundamental axioms in mathematics and capability of developing ideas based on them.
  • Advanced knowledge in mathematical sciences.
  • Knowledge in a wide range of mathematical techniques and application of mathematical methods/tools in other scientific and engineering domains.
  • Motivation for research studies in mathematics and related fields with real life applications.
  • Preparing for competitive examinations, like NET, SET, GATE, etc.

Math PG Syllabus : Download
UG Math syllabus : Download


  1. At the end of the programme the student will  Gain a wide spectrum of skills which will enable them to solve both theoretical and experimental problems.
  2. Secure jobs in banks, in the field of Education, and in industries which require Scientific and Engineering knowledge.
  3. Understand the importance of renewable energy and its applications.
  4. Acquire the skill to gauge the physical properties of materials.
  5. Be able to make effective use of information technology.

Physics UG Syllabus : Download

Chemistry :

The purpose of the postgraduate chemistry at Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College [Autonomous] is to provide the key knowledge base and laboratory resources to prepare students for careers as professional in the field of Chemistry. After completion of the program students will be ready for,

  1. Global level research opportunities to pursue Ph.D. program in Chemistry, Biochemistry and other allied areas of Chemistry.
  2. Enormous job opportunities in chemical, pharmaceuticals, food products, life oriented material industries etc.
  3. Discipline specific competitive exams conducted by various central and state level service commission.
  4. PG Sallyabus Chemistry 2021 : Download
    UG Chemiostry syllabus : Download

Geography (UG & PG):

  1. As Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments, students are able to correlate between the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread over the surface of the earth.
  2. Syllabus structure provides students to encounter practical problems with theoretical knowledge in Geography and Environment.
  3. Introduction of research methodology and field survey as well as laboratory-based field works will be helpful to gain practical experience on topics already taught theoretically.
  4. This syllabus is designed to deliver students about basic knowledge of geography as a spatial science and train the undergraduates to secure employment in the sectors of geospatial analysis, development and planning, mapping and surveying.

B.Sc Geography Syllabus : Download


Students shall acquire a basic, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of all branches of the discipline of Economics. The course work will help them in acquiring desirable outcomes in graduate examinations, pursue higher academic degrees, enhance their preparedness for appearing in competitive examinations, get them ready as future teachers and equip them as professionals in accounting, insurance, finance, marketing and management and such others, both in the national as well as in the international arena. Students shall acquire skills needed to conduct research studies relevant and beneficial in the contemporary world. In fact, the way the course work is structured, will certainly go a long way to impart sufficient skills and information which will enhance students’ Employ ability, make them environmentally conscious and responsible citizens and help them to become important ccontributors to national wealth and prestige

Economics Syllabus : Download

Computer Science (UG & PG):

The BSc Computer Science helps to develop a widely applicable skill set in computing with strong programming and mathematics skills, as well as wide ranging skills in project management, effective presentations and teamwork. Graduate with a portfolio of work fit to present to potential employers. Depending on the chosen pathway, you can focus on particular areas of interest such as machine learning, web development, data science and video games. The explosive and ever-growing use of technology in business and commerce means that there's a whole range of different career possibilities for computing graduates. In terms of job opportunities and salaries, the IT sector is well ahead of most other industrial and commercial sectors.

With the BSc Computer Science, Students will able to apply for a range of computational and mathematical jobs in the creative industries, business, finance, education, medicine, engineering and science. Typical job titles include:

  • Application Programmer
  • Software Developer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Database Manager
  • Mobile App Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Video game Developer
  • Film special effects and post-production
  • Computer music/sound engineer
  • Interface designer

B.Sc Computer Science Syllabus : Download


PO 1: To provide students with a solid foundation in Computer Application fundamentals necessary to analyze the requirements of the software, design and create innovative software products and solutions for real life problems.

PO 2: To provide exposure to emerging technologies to work as teams on multidisciplinary

PO 3: To prepare the students for a successful professional career as developer, scientist, teacher, administrator or an entrepreneur and work with values & social concern bridging the digital divide and meeting the requirements of Indian and multinational companies.

BCA (Hons) Syllabus : Download


Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) degree is a three and half years (including six months internship) undergraduate course which offers candidates thorough knowledge about the laboratory equipment and laboratory diagnostic procedures. The course is helpful for students who wish to pursue a career in the management of laboratories, advancement in laboratories, and instrumentation. BMLT being one of the fastest growing fields in the healthcare sector, the demand for qualified professionals is growing every day for the treatment of rapidly growing diseases. Degree in BMLT helps to gain practical and technical knowledge for the right diagnosis and how to effectively run biochemical laboratories.

BMLT Syllabus : Download

Bachelor of Vocational Education

Multi Skilled Health Worker

  • Perform routine clinical laboratory procedures within acceptable quality control parameters in Hematology, Chemistry, Immunohematology, and Microbiology under the general supervision of a Clinical Laboratory Scientist or Pathologist.
  • Demonstrate technical skills, social behavior, and professional awareness incumbent upon a laboratory technician.
  • Apply systematized problem solving techniques to identify and correct procedural errors, identify instrument malfunctions and seek proper supervisory assistance, and verify the accuracy of laboratory results obtained.
  • Operate and maintain laboratory equipment, utilizing appropriate quality control and safety procedures.
  • Recognize and participate in activities which will provide current knowledge and upgrading of skills in laboratory medicine.
  • By the end of the course the student is able to perform Holistic care of the individuals, families and community in both institutional settings and also community health organizations independently.
  • Participate in local, state and National Health programmes and campaigns.
  • The student will able to participate as members of Health team in preventive & promotive Health services.
  • Render First Aid & Referral services
  • Identifies common Ailments and provide treatment.
  • Provide maternal and child health care in institutions and in rural set up.
  • Provide referral services for diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Participate in the prevention and control measures of Nutritional and communicable problems.
  • Participate in Family Welfare Programme.
  • Syllabus Multi Skilled Health Worker - 2023 : Download

Doctor of Philosophy:

In our College We also provides research facilities .We have two research centers , namely, i) Research center in natural and applied sciences and ii) Research center in humanities and social science. We encourage the scholars and researchers for planning and implementing their own programmes with administrative support.

  • Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs : Download