Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College, RNLK, Gope College (Midnapore)

Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College

Re-accredited with grade ‘A+’ by NAAC (4th Cycle). | NIRF Rank 64 (2023) |
NIRF Rank-band: 101-150 (2024) ISO Certified :21001:2018  |  14001:2015

(11 AM. to 4 PM. on College Working Days)

Research Policy

1.Code of Ethics in Research

  • Researchers at RNLKWC [A] are required to demonstrate intellectual and moral honesty in proposing,conducting,and reporting research.
  • Any student, faculty member, researcher, staff should be responsible in the conduct of research,thesis,dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and prevention of misconduct including plagiarism academic writing.
  • All members undertaking research should adhere to the University Grants Commission(Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions)Regulations,2018.
  • All faculties who are supervisors of PhD scholars in the Research Centers should open an account in Turnitin via the College coordinator and get their written research documents checked for plagiarism.
  • Ph.D.students need to fill up self-declaration form that the contents of the thesis/dissertation arend plagiarized,wherever required necessary citations have been given. In case, they have any doubts regarding citations,they must discuss with their research guides in detail.
  • All researchers should be careful in making no misrepresentation in the dissemination of research information and findings and notfabricatingdataor in formation in their presentations/publications/reports.
  • The researcher, faculty staff or student undertaking research should designate authorship of consulted research sources clearly,accurately andjustlyandassign authorship of research publications accurately and justly.
  • Those embers must take responsibility for their actions and ircommitmentstoresearch.
  • All members undertaking research are expected to conduct themselves with the interests of the College and their own professional integrity inview and uphold the same to the scientific community and society at large. Bias, prejudice, conflict of interest or undue influence must not be permitted to supersede the professionalism of their conduct.
  • All researchers must ensure that their personal views,convictions,previous experiences or future ambitions do not compromise the objectives scientific process,the performance of their office aldutie sor the interest so fRNLKWC[A].
  • There searchers should not resort self-plagiarism or unexplained duplication of publication.e.,they should not publish same article into different places.The Same Is applicable for abstracts.
  • Students or faculty members while going for data collection to other institutes must carry aLetterunderCollegeletterheadsignedbythePrincipal or Director, Research Centre and their College ID Cards.They need to maintain a record the institutes visited,persons interviewed/met for research data collection etc.

2.Finance and Accounts:

  1. As separate book of accounts shall be maintained for each project.
  2. R&DUnit shall be responsible for submission of statement of accounts sand when required by the sponsors.
  3. In general, for sponsored research projects, the percent of the project cost that shall be charged towards Institutional charges (overheads) for utilizing the infrastructural and other facilities of the College will be decided by the concerned authorities depending on the norms of the funding agency and project budget.
  4. Intheevent,any project utilizes Institute’s Manpower And Other supporting facilities beyond office hours, the expenses towards the same shall be charged to the respective project.For this purpose,on the recommendations of the PI,the coordinator (R&D) may approve suitable honorarium for the supporting staff of the Institute.
  5. Anycashadvancerequiredfortheproject,shallbedrawninthenameofPI/Co-PIo the project.
  6. All Expenditures Shall Normally Be Made within the proposed date of completion(PDC)ofthe project.Exception Maybe Permitted With The Consent of the sponsor.
  7. PIshallnormallybeallowedtodrawanotheradvance only after adjusting the previous one taken by them unless to her wise agreed by the coordinator(R&Dcell).