Code of conduct for Students
- Use of any form of tobacco, alcohol or drugs inside the college campus is strictly prohibited.
- Ragging in any form is a serious offence and those found indulging in it will be severely punished and may even be expelled from the college.
- Students shall not indulge in any activity inside or outside the campus that will be detrimental to the reputation of the institution. They shall refrain from any act or statement having communal or gender bias. Unnecessary loitering is strictly prohibited.
- Students shall wear their identity cards and shall check the college website and notice board regularly for all notification.
- Students shall wear the college uniform on Thursdays and on occasions or events as and when notified by the college authority.
- Students shall not carry any valuables and shall hand over to the college office any electronic gadgets or other things found lying unclaimed in any place inside the campus.
- Students shall remit course fees and all other payments in time as per notification. They shall not make any payments to anyone inside the College without the knowledge and consent of the authority.
- Students shall take all necessary precautions while handling equipments and apparatus in the Laboratory. They shall also take proper care of all other college property.
- Students shall not use cell phone or any electronic gadget inside the classroom and shall maintain discipline inside the campus and adhere to all rules and regulations of the institution.
- Students shall visit central library at least once in a week.
- Students shall attend the classes regularly. Only those having 75% of attendance will be allowed to take the exams.
- Students shall be courteous to the teachers, non-teaching staff and fellow students and co-operate with the authority in all activities related to the betterment of the institution.