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Research Journal Publications:
- Chiranjit Changdar, Rajat Kumar Pal, Ghanshyam Singha Mahapatra and Abhinandan Khan. A Genetic algorithm based approach to solve multi-resource multi-objective Knapsack Problem for vegetable wholesalers in fuzzy environment, O perational Research, 2018(accepted;; Springer SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 1.06).
- Chiranjit Changdar, Rajat Kumar Pal, Kousik Dhara, Pravash Kumar Giri, An ant colony optimization based approach to solve time interval dependent travelling salesman problem under fuzziness, International jour of Computing science and mathematics, Accepted, November 2018.
- Chiranjit Changdar, Rajat Kumar Pal, and Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, A genetic ant colony optimization based algorithm for solid multiple travelling salesmen problem in fuzzy rough environment. Soft computing, Vol. 21, 4661-4675, 2017 (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 2.47).
- Chiranjit Changdar, Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, A modified ant colony optimization based approach to solve sub-tour constant travelling salesman problem, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol. 11, No. 3, 310-331,2017.
- Chiranjit Changdar, Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, A modified genetic algorithm approach to solve constrained solid TSP with time window using interval parameter, International Journal of Operational Research (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 26, No. 4, 398-421, 2016.
- Chiranjit Changdar, Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, An improved genetic algorithm based approach to solve constrained knapsack problem in fuzzy environment, Expert Systems with applications, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2276-2286, 2015 (Elsevier SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 3.92).
- Chiranjit Changdar, Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, An efficient genetic algorithm for multi objective solid travelling salesman problem under fuzziness, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 15, 27-37, 2014 (Elsevier SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 3.89).
- Chiranjit Changdar, GhanshyamSingha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, Solving 0-1 knapsack problem by continuous ACO algorithm, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 2, No. 3/4, 333-349, 2013.
- Chiranjit Changdar, Ghanshaym Singha Mahapatra, and Rajat Kumar Pal, An ant colony optimization approach for binary knapsack problem under fuzziness, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 223, 243-253, 2013 (Elsevier SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 1.73).
- Chiranjit Changdar, Manas Kumar Maiti, and Manoranjan Maiti, A constrained solid TSP in fuzzy environment: Two heuristic approaches, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1-28, 2013 (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 0.534).
- Anupam Pattanayak. Journey of Hash Function Constructions from MD4 to SHA-3. pp TS III: 17-29, 13th National Workshop on Cryptology, Oct 3-5 2013, New Delhi.
- Anupam Pattanayak, Banshidhar Majhi. A Deterministic Scheme For Merging Key-Chains in Tranversal Design Based Key Predistribution Scheme. Proceedings of 10th National Workshop on Cryptology, pp 113-117, Sep 2-4, 2010, Coimbatore.
- Anupam Pattanayak, Banshidhar Majhi. ID Based Key Establishment in Transversal Design Based Key Predistribution Scheme. Proceedings of 10th National Workshop on Cryptology, pp 5-11, Sep 2-4, 2010, Coimbatore.
- Anupam Pattanayak, Banshidhar Majhi. On Resiliency of Orthogonal Array based Key Predistribution Scheme. Proceedings of 9th National Workshop on Cryptology, pp 29-33, Aug 7-9, 2009, Surat.
- Anupam Pattanayak, Banshidhar Majhi. Revisiting Combinatorial Design Based Key Predistribution Schemes in Sensor Network. Proceedings of National Conference on Modern Trends of Operating Systems, pp 43-50, Mar 28-29, 2009. Bhubaneswar.
- Goutam Kumar Maity, Sandip Mandal, Supriti Samanta, Asish Kumar Mandal, “All-Optical TOAD based Switching Network of DFT”, In Proc. of IEEE 5th international conference on Computing, communication and Sensor Network (CCSN-2016), Kolkata, Dec 24-25, 2016.
- Sandip Mandal, Supriti Samanta, Goutam Kumar Maity, Subhadipta Mukhopadhyay, “All-optical Reversible Logic Gate implementation using TOAD” ,International journal of computer science and information security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1957- 5500, vol. 14, No.12, December 2016.
- Sandip Mandal, Goutam Kumar Maity, Animesh Bhattacharya, Kazi A H TaslimArif, “All-Optical Quaternary MIN Gate and Quaternary delta Literals using MZI”, IEEE International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies(ICICCT-2017), Coimbatore, 10-11, March 2017.
- Sandip Mandal, Supriti Samanta, Goutam Kumar Maity, Subhadipta Mukhopadhyay, “Walsh Hadamard Code Design Using Optical Non-Linear Material”, In Proc. of IEEE 2nd International Conference on 2017 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC-2017), kalyani, 23-24 March,2017.
- Sandip Mandal, Supriti Samanta, Goutam Kumar Maity, Subhadipta Mukhopadhyay, “TOAD-Based Reversible Gates for All-Optical Reed Muller Techniques“, International journal of computer science and information security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1957-5500, vol 15, No .03, March, 2017 .
- Sandip Mandal, Goutam Kumar Maity, “Flip-Flop Circuit Design using Reversible Logic Gates”, Renewable Research Journal, volume 4,Issue 1,pp 221-226,2017.
- Sandip Mandal et al.”Implementation of Energy Saver Circuit using 8051 Micricontroller”, IJRITCC, Volyme 5, Issue 5, 2017.