Outreach & Extension ActivitiesOutreach & Extension Activities[Last 10 years]A. Mathematical GalleryThe department has established a Mathematics Gallery with some models on the concept of Convergence of an infinite series, Integration and Differentiation, Maxima and Minima, Uses of number and measurement of food grain by people of ancient civilization, Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional geometry, Golden ratio. One video on the History of zero and Drawing of some graph of functions on Computer are also incorporated in this gallery. There are also the life history and contribution of some eminent ancient and modern Mathematicians. This gallery has inaugurated by the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ranjan Kumar Chakraborty, Vidyasagar University on 1st April, 2016. This gallery has been prepared for the students of higher secondary and graduate level students with the objectives to enrich in them the ideas on these topics and motivate them by the life history of the Mathematician. These models are developed by Birla Industrial and Technological Museum (BITM), Kolkata and financially supported by UGC(CPE) and UGC(BSR). Already three school students under Midnapore Municipality area, has visited this gallery and been enriched by it. About 200 High secondary students from different schools in Purba and Paschim Medinipur district visited this gallery and enriched their knowledge under DST- INSPIRE CAMP 2017. In 2019, 120 science student and 20 Teachers of 20 H.S schools of Paschim Medinipur visited to our Mathematical Gallery in the District Level Science Residential Camp. B. ED. studying mathematics student and one Professor visited this gallery in the purpose of how to develop a Mathematics laboratory. Nine students of Government degree college, Kilam, Jammu and Kashmir visited this gallery. B. Educational Tour:The department was organised an Educational Tour on 7th May, 2018 to visit to Birla Technology and Museum & Science and Sea shore at Digha for Environmental Project of Under Graduate student and Meteorological Park at Digha for collection Metrological data of Post Graduate Student. C. Carrier coaching:A Carrier coaching classes for School Service Commission through CAC organised by the Department . |